[ adjective ] referring to the second of two things or persons mentioned (or the last one or ones of several)


"in the latter case"

Used in print

(The Times-Picayune, [New Orleans]...)

The latter is likely to occur when the thyroid is removed .


Mongi_Slim of Tunisia and Frederick_Boland of Ireland were early favorites in_the_running , but France did n't like the former and the Soviet_Union would have none of the latter .

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

As_a_matter_of_fact , this latter approach has already been tried , and with pleasing results .

(The Providence Journal...)

There are some sharp and whipping lines and some hilariously funny situations - the best of the latter being a mass impromptu plunge into a nightclub tank where a `` mermaid '' is performing .

(Tristram P. Coffin, "Folklore in the American Twentieth...)

Though it may exist in either literate or illiterate societies , it assumes a role of true cultural importance only in the latter .

Related terms

former last_mentioned

[ adjective ] more advanced in time or nearer to the end in a sequence


last later


"these latter days" "the latter (or last) part of the book" "latter (or later) part of the 18th century"

Used in print

(John Michael Ray, "Rhode Island's Reactions...)

During the latter days of November to the day of Brown 's execution , it seems that most Rhode_Islanders did not concur in `` E._B. 's '' suggestion .

(Ross E. McKinney and Howard Edde, "Aerated...)

Variations in aerator speeds during the latter two months of this study caused increased mixing and increased oxygen demand .

Related terms


[ noun ] the second of two or the second mentioned of two


"Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the latter is remembered today"

Related terms

former second
