has definitions from the fields of biology,medicine,news
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[ noun ] an accidental hole that allows something (fluid or light etc.) to enter or escape
Examples "one of the tires developed a leak" Used in print (Jesse Hill Ford, Mountains of Gilead....)Just like the balloon would go_up and you could sit all day and wish it would spring a leak or blow to_hell up and burn and nothing like that would happen . Related terms |
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[ verb ] (news) tell anonymously
Examples "The news were leaked to the paper" Used in print (Time, 77: 3...)Soon after Loper leaked the news that Frankie had ordered `` two of everything '' just `` in_case he spills anything '' , Frankie got so mad at the chic designer that he vowed he would not wear a stitch of Loper clothing . |
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[ noun ] (biology) a euphemism for urination
Synonyms Examples "he had to take a leak" Related terms |
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[ noun ] (medicine) soft watery rot in fruits and vegetables caused by fungi
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[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 4391
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[ noun ] unauthorized (especially deliberate) disclosure of confidential information
Synonyms Related terms |
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