[ noun ] the quality of being loyal

Used in print

(Tristram P. Coffin, "Folklore in the American Twentieth...)

Its folklore and legend , usually disguised as history , are allowed to account_for group_actions , to provide a focal_point for group loyalty , and to become a cohesive force for national identification .

(Edward P. Lawton, "Northern Liberals and Southern...)

So instead of being tests of the South 's loyalty , the Spanish_War , the two World_Wars , and the Korean_War all served to overcome old grievances and cement reunion .

(Ann Hebson, The Lattimer Legend....)

The Federals is making everybody take the oath of loyalty around these parts too '' , he crowed .

[ noun ] feelings of allegiance

Used in print

(David Boroff, "Jewish Teen-Age Culture"...)

When I pressed for a purely religious definition , I encountered the familiar blend of liberal piety , interfaith good_will , and a small residue of ethnic loyalty .

Related terms


[ noun ] the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action


"his long commitment to public service" "they felt no loyalty to a losing team"

Used in print

(Kenneth Allsop, The Bootleggers and Their Era...)

To forestall any change of allegiance , the Democrats hastily organised a testimonial banquet for O_'_Banion , as public reward for his past services and as a reminder of where his loyalties lay .
