meal has definitions from the field of food
[ noun ] (food) the food served and eaten at one time



Used in print

(Organic Gardening and Farming,...)

A salad with greens and tomato is a popular and wonderfully healthful addition to a meal , but add an avocado and you have something really special .

(B. J. D. Meeuse, The Story of Pollination....)

When the larvae hatch , they feed_on the beebread , although they also receive extra honey meals from their mother .

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

generous public provision for the infirm ; democratic and secret elections of all officers including priests , meals taken publicly in common refectories ; a common habit or uniform prescribed for all citizens ; even houses changed once a decade ; six hours of manual_labor a day for all but a handful of magistrates and scholars , and careful measures to prevent anyone from shirking ; no private_property , no money ; no sort of pricing at_all for any goods or services , and therefore no market in the economic sense of the term .

(Howard Fast, April Morning....)

I have observed that being up on a horse changes the whole character of a man , and when a very small man is up on a saddle , he 'd like as not prefer to eat his meals there .

(Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy....)

Argiento had been trained so rigorously by the Jesuits that Michelangelo was unable to change his habits : up before dawn to scrub the floors , whether they were dirty or not ; water boiling on the fire for washing laundry every_day , the pots scoured with river sand after each meal .

[ noun ] any of the occasions for eating food that occur by custom or habit at more or less fixed times

Related terms


[ noun ] (food) coarsely ground foodstuff; especially seeds of various cereal grasses or pulse