meteor has definitions from the fields of physics,astronomy
[ noun ] (physics,astronomy) a streak of light in the sky at night that results when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the meteoroid to melt or vaporize or explode



Used in print

(Frank Oppenheimer, "Science and Fear-- A Discussion...)

A meteor could fall on San_Francisco .

(J. F. Vedder, "Micrometeorites", in Francis S. J...)

In_addition , the size distribution obtained from visual and radar observations of meteors may be extrapolated to the micrometeorite domain .

However , the conversion from mass to size is unreliable , since many photographic meteors give evidence of a fluffy , loosely bound meteorite structure with densities as low as * * f .

Zodiacal_light and the gegenschein give some evidence for such a dust blanket , a phenomenon also to be expected if the dust before capture is in circular orbits about the sun , as indicated by the trend of the smaller visible meteors .

The flux of micrometeorites in the neighborhood of the Earth can be estimated by extrapolation from radar and visual meteor data .

[ noun ] (astronomy) any of the small solid extraterrestrial bodies that hits the earth's atmosphere


