microscope has definitions from the field of optics
[ noun ] (optics) magnifier of the image of small objects


"the invention of the microscope led to the discovery of the cell"

Used in print

(Walter H. Buchsbaum, "Advances in Medical Electronics"...)

A completely new insight into living cells and their structure will be possible by use of a new technique which replaces visible_light with ultraviolet_radiation and combines a microscope with a color - TV_system to view the results .

These wavelengths are reflected in sequence through the specimen by the rotating mirror ; the specimen is magnified by the microscope .

The microscope and orthicon are both selected to operate well into the ultraviolet_spectrum , which means that all lenses must be quartz .

Where the microscope under visible_light may show only vague shadows or nothing at_all , ultraviolet_illumination and subsequent translation into a color TV picture reveal a wealth of detail .
