mobilize has definitions from the field of military
[ verb ] make ready for action or use


"marshal resources"

Used in print

(Max F. Millikan and Donald L. M. Blackmer,...)

Progress is impeded by psychological inhibitions to effective action among those in power and by a failure on their part to understand how local resources , human and material , can be mobilized to achieve the national goals of modernization already symbolically accepted .

On the economic front , the first priority of these countries is to mobilize a vastly increased volume of resources .

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

Religion at its best is out in_front , ever beckoning and leading_on , and , as Lippman put it , `` mobilizing all man 's scattered energies in one triumphant sense of his own infinite importance '' .

The great ultimate ends of religion have served as magnificent beacon_lights that lured people toward them with an almost irresistible force , mobilizing energies and inducing sacrifices ; for_example , the Crusades , mission efforts , just wars .

[ verb ] (military) call to arms; of military personnel

Used in print


Heavily armed and mobilized as a fast moving Civil_Defense outfit , 23 operators and office personnel stand ready to move_into action at a minute 's notice '' .

[ verb ] (military) ready for war



[ verb ] cause to move around


mobilise circulate


"circulate a rumor"

Related terms

move circulation move
