mono-iodotyrosine has definitions from the fields of biology,chemistry,biochemistry
[ noun ] (biology,chemistry,biochemistry) tyrosine with one iodine atom added

Used in print

(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

However , the formation of organically bound iodine , mainly mono-iodotyrosine , can be accomplished in cell-free systems .

If tyrosine and a system generating hydrogen_peroxide are added to a cell-free homogenate of the thyroid , large quantities of free mono-iodotyrosine can be formed ( Alexander , 1959 ) .

The mono - and di-iodotyrosine must be coupled to form tri-iodothyronine and thyroxine .

This de-iodinating enzyme is effective against mono - and di-iodotyrosine , but does not de-iodinate thyroxine or tri-iodothyronine .

In the presence of a low iodine intake , thyroglobulin labelled in_vivo with * * f is found to contain more mono-iodotyrosine than normal , the amounts of di-iodotyrosine and iodothyronines being correspondingly reduced .

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