monopoly has definitions from the fields of games,economics,business
[ noun ] (economics) a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller


"a monopoly on silver" "when you have a monopoly you can ask any price you like"

Used in print

(Robert A. Futterman, The Future of Our Cities....)

It is interesting to note how many of the plants on Massachusetts ' Route_128 draw most of their income either from the government in non-competitive cost-plus arrangements , or from the exploitation of patents which grant at_least a partial monopoly .

[ noun ] exclusive control or possession of something


"They have no monopoly on intelligence"

Used in print

(The Department of State: A Fresh Look at the...)

It is the concern of the Department_of_State that the American people are safe and secure - defense is not a monopoly concern of the Department_of_Defense .

Related terms

dominance monopolize

[ noun ] (trademark) a board game in which players try to gain a monopoly on real estate as pieces advance around the board according to the throw of a die

Related terms

board_game trademark
