moonlight has definitions from the fields of physics,work
[ noun ] (physics) the light of the moon


moon moonshine


"moonlight is the smuggler's enemy" "the moon was bright enough to read by"

Used in print

(Francis Pollini, Night....)

The waves breakin in on you and your girl at night there on the warm beach in the moonlight even Jesus sweet Mary .

(Glayds H. Barr, The Master of Geneva....)

Underneath the big one , in the silent moonlight , lay a dead pigeon , and on the smaller bell , the Clemence , two gray and white birds slept huddled_together in the cold winter air .

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

In the ballroom below , the dark had given_way to moonlight coming_in through the bank of French_windows .

The road leading south along the river was shaded with old trees , and in the moonlight the silvery landscape was like a setting for trolls and wood gods rather_than the Hudson_River Valley of his boyhood memories .

(Jane Gilmore Rushing, "Against the Moon,"...)

That night the older men got_to talking_about going possum hunting on a moonlight night .

Related terms

light moonbeam

[ verb ] (work) work a second job, usually after hours


"The law student is moonlighting as a taxi driver"

Related terms

