morphophonemics has definitions from the fields of linguistics,phonology
[ noun ] (linguistics,phonology) the study of the phonological realization of the allomorphs of the morphemes of a language

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(H. A. Gleason, "Review of African language studies...)

While the phonemes can be very easily stated , no one is likely to be satisfied with the statement until phonemic occurrences can be related in_some_way to morphemic units , i._e. until the morphophonemics is worked_out , or at_least far enough that it seems reasonable to expect success .

In the `` typical tone_language '' , tonal morphophonemics is of the same order of complexity as consonantal morphophonemics .

In the `` typical tone_language '' , tonal morphophonemics is of the same order of complexity as consonantal morphophonemics .

Tonal morphophonemics , in a common case , can do nothing but either raise or lower the tone .

Tonal morphophonemics is much more confusing to the beginning analyst than consonantal morphophonemics , even when the total number of rules is no greater .

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