myth has definitions from the field of writing
[ noun ] (writing) a traditional story accepted as history; serves to explain the world view of a people

Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

The statement is often made that when Bultmann argues in this way , he `` overestimates the intellectual stumbling-block which myth is supposed to put in the way of accepting the Christian faith '' .

If Bultmann 's own definition of myth is strictly adhered to ( and it is interesting that this is almost never done by those who make such pronouncements ) , the evidence is overwhelming that he does not at all exaggerate the extent to which the mythological concepts of traditional theology have become incredible and irrelevant .

Hence , if what is in_question is whether in a given theology myth is or is not completely rejected , it is unimportant whether only a_little bit of myth or a considerable quantity is accepted ; for , in either event , the first possibility is excluded .

Hence , if what is in_question is whether in a given theology myth is or is not completely rejected , it is unimportant whether only a_little bit of myth or a considerable quantity is accepted ; for , in either event , the first possibility is excluded .

(Tristram P. Coffin, "Folklore in the American Twentieth...)

The popularity of local color literature before the Spanish-American_War , the steady currency of the Lincoln myth , the increased emphasis on the frontier west in our mass_media are cases_in_point .
