[ noun ] an American who lives in New England


Yank Yankee

Used in print

(Randall Stewart, "A Little History, a Little Honesty: A...)

Lincoln was historian and economist enough to know that a substantial portion of this wealth had accumulated in the hands of the descendants of New_Englanders engaged in the slave_trade .

It is a question which New_Englanders long_ago put out of their minds .

New_Englanders were a_bit sensitive on the subject of their complicity in Negro slavery at the time of the drafting of the Declaration_of_Independence , as Jefferson explained in his `` Autobiography '' : `` The clause reprobating the enslaving the inhabitants of Africa was struck_out in complaisance to South_Carolina and Georgia , who had never attempted to restrain the importation of slaves , and who on_the_contrary still wished to continue it .

George_W._Cable ( naturalized New_Englander ) , writing in 1889 from `` Paradise_Road , Northampton '' ( lovely symbolic name ) , agitated continuously the `` Southern question '' .

Related terms

American New_England
