[ adverb ] for a short time




"he was at the airport shortly before she was expected to arrive"

Used in print

(Randall Stewart, "A Little History, a Little Honesty: A...)

I was having lunch not_long ago ( apologies to N._V._Peale ) with three distinguished historians ( one specializing in the European Middle_Ages , one in American history , and one in the Far_East ) , and I asked them if they could name instances where the general mores had been radically changed with `` deliberate speed , majestic instancy '' ( Francis_Thompson 's words for the Hound_of_Heaven 's pursuit ) by judicial fiat .

A dear , respected friend of mine , who like myself grew_up in the South and has spent many years in New_England , said to me not_long ago : `` I can n't forgive New_England for rejecting all complicity '' .
