noun has definitions from the fields of grammar,linguistics
[ noun ] (grammar,linguistics) a word that can be used to refer to a person or place or thing

Used in print

(Ralph B. Long. The Sentence and Its Parts: A...)

In the second sentence if drinking water is a gerundial clause and without drinking water is roughly equivalent in meaning to unless I drink water , there will be stronger stress on water than on drinking ; but if drinking is a gerundial noun modifying water and without drinking_water is equivalent_to without water for drinking , there will be stronger stress on drinking than on water .

[ noun ] (grammar) a word that can serve as the subject or object of a verb

Used in print

(Philip Jos‚ Farmer, The Lovers....)

All the other parts_of_speech : nouns , pronouns , adjectives , adverbs , and conjunctions operated under the same system as the verbs .
