onset has definitions from the field of military
[ noun ] the beginning or early stages




"the onset of pneumonia"

Used in print

(S. Idell Pyle, et al., Onsets, Completions, and...)

First , the Onset Profile spreads across approximately 12 years for boys and 10 years for girls .

The Maturity Chart for each sex demonstrates clearly that Onset is a phenomenon of infancy and early_childhood whereas Completion is a phenomenon of the later portion of adolescence .

Second , for both sexes , the 21 transverse lines in the Onset Profile vary more in individual spread than those in the Completion Profile .

Although the standard_deviation values on which spread of the lines are based are relatively larger for those centers which begin to ossify early ( Table 1 ) , there are considerable differences in this value between centers having the closely timed Onsets .

The Onset Profile and Completion Profile are constructed to serve as norms for children .

Related terms


[ noun ] (military) an offensive against and enemy (using weapons)


"the attack began at dawn"
