operetta has definitions from the fields of music,fine art
[ noun ] (music,fine art) a short amusing opera



Used in print

(Guy Endore, Voltaire! Voltaire!...)

`` String them onto some sort of little plot , and you 'll have a delightful operetta '' .

But then , after the little operetta had been given its feeble amateur rendering , everyone insisted that it was too good to be lost forever , and that the Royal_Academy_of_Music must now have the manuscript in_order to give it the really first-rate performance it merited .

Duclos understood what was bothering Rousseau : that the writer of the Prosopopoeia_of_Fabricius should now become known as the writer of an amusing little operetta .

Back_and_forth Duclos had_to go , between M._de_Cury and Jean_Jacques and between the Duke_d'Aumont and Jean_Jacques again , as his little operetta , The_Village_Soothsayer , though still unperformed , took_on ever more importance .

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