[ adjective ] grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror


"subjected to outrageous cruelty" "a hideous pattern of injustice" "horrific conditions in the mining industry"

Used in print

(Harold Rosenberg, "The Trial and Eichmann"...)

Not through fear of disobeying orders , as Eichmann kept trying to explain , but through a peculiar giddiness that began in a half acceptance of the vicious absurdities contained in the Nazi interpretation of history and grew with each of Hitler 's victories into a permanent light_mindedness and sense of magical rightness that was able to respond to any proposal , and the more outrageous the better , `` Well , let 's try it '' .

Related terms


[ adjective ] greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation


"exorbitant rent" "extortionate prices" "spends an outrageous amount on entertainment" "usorious interest rate" "unconscionable spending"

Related terms

