paint has definitions from the fields of color,fine art
[ verb ] (fine art) make a painting


"he painted all day in the garden" "He painted a painting of the garden"

Used in print

(Norman Kent, "The Watercolor Art of Roy M. Mason"...)

Out of this background of hunting and fishing , it was only natural that Roy first painted subjects he knew best : hunters in the field , fishermen in the stream , ducks and geese on_the_wing - almost always against a vast backdrop of weather landscape .

In the best tradition , he first taught himself to see , then to draw with accuracy and assurance , and_then to paint .

It has been my privilege to paint with Roy_Mason on numerous occasions , mostly in the vicinity of Batavia .

`` Speed in painting a picture is valid only when it imparts spontaneity and crispness , but unless the artist has lots of experience so that he can control rapid execution , he would do_well to take these first sketches and soberly reorder their design to achieve a unified composition .

From this point , I paint in as direct a manner as possible , by flowing on the washes with as pure a color mixture as I can manage .

[ verb ] apply paint to; coat with paint


"We painted the rooms yellow"

Used in print

(Clement Greenberg, "Collage" in his Art and...)

In their very first collages , Braque and Picasso draw or paint over and on the affixed paper or cloth , so that certain_of the principal features of their subjects as depicted seem to thrust_out into real , bas-relief space - or to be about to do so - while the rest of the subject remains imbedded in , or flat upon , the surface .

The area adjacent to one edge of a piece of affixed material - or simply of a painted in form - will be shaded to pry that edge away from the surface , while something will be drawn , painted or even pasted over another part of the same shape to drive it back into depth .

(W. E. B. DuBois, Worlds of Color....)

On the other side of the church was a quiet , well-kept house with shutters and recently painted .

(Leo Lemon, "Catch Up With" and "Something to...)

I asked Quasimodo recently how he accomplished this , and he replied that he had painted his model `` a beautiful shade of red and_then had her breathe on the canvas '' , which was his typical tongue-in-cheek way of chiding me for my lack of sensitivity .

[ verb ] (fine art) make a painting of


: "He painted his mistress many times"

Used in print

(Clement Greenberg, "Collage" in his Art and...)

In certain other pictures , however , Braque began to paint areas in exact simulation of wood graining or marbleizing .

(Leo Lemon, "Catch Up With" and "Something to...)

`` I paint the nothing '' , he said once to Franz_Kline and myself , `` the nothing that_is behind the something , the inexpressible , unpaintable ' tick ' in the unconscious , the ' spirit ' of the moment resting forever , suspended like a huge balloon , in non time '' .

It is his relentlessness and unwavering adherence to this revolutionary artistic philosophy that has enabled him to paint such pictures as `` The_Invasion_of_Cuba '' .

[ noun ] (color) a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating

Used in print

(Harry H. Hull, "The Normal Forces and Their Ther...)

Such an instrument is expected to be especially useful if it could be used to measure the elasticity of heavy pastes such_as printing_inks , paints , adhesives , molten plastics , and bread_dough , for the elasticity is related to those various properties termed `` length '' , `` shortness '' , `` spinnability '' , etc. , which are usually judged by subjective methods at_present .

(Clement Greenberg, "Collage" in his Art and...)

To reinforce , and sometimes to replace , the simulated typography , Braque and Picasso began to mix sand and other foreign substances with their paint ; the granular texture thus created likewise called_attention_to the reality of the surface and was effective over much larger areas .

It was for this reason , and no other that I can see , that in September 1912 , Braque took the radical and revolutionary step of pasting actual pieces of imitation woodgrain wallpaper to a drawing on paper , instead of trying to simulate its texture in paint .

(Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)

the wood was old , the paint alligatored .

[ verb ] apply a liquid to; e.g., paint the gutters with linseed oil

Related terms

cover repaint

[ noun ] (basketball) a space (including the foul line) in front of the basket at each end of a basketball court; usually painted a different color from the rest of the court




"he hit a jump shot from the top of the key" "he dominates play in the paint"

[ noun ] makeup consisting of a pink or red powder applied to the cheeks


blusher rouge

Related terms

makeup blush
