pass_away has definitions from the field of biology
[ verb ] (biology) pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life


"She died from cancer" "They children perished in the fire" "The patient went peacefully"

Used in print

(Howard Fast, April Morning....)

Cousin_Joshua_Dover decided to remain with the Reverend and poor Isaac_Pitt until life passed_away - and he was hurt so badly he did not seem for long in this world .

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

And all this too shall pass_away : it came to him out of some dim corner of memory from a church_service when he was a boy - yes , in a white church with a thin spur steeple in the patriarchal Hudson_Valley , where a feeling of plenitude was normal in those English Dutch manors with their well-fed squires .

[ verb ] go out of existence


"She hoped that the problem would eventually pass away"

Used in print

(Robert Wallace, "This Is the Way It Came About"...)

But a historian might put his finger on a specific man and date , and hold_out the hope that the troubles will sometime pass_away .

Related terms

terminate end
