person has definitions from the fields of clothing,grammar
[ noun ] a human being


"there was too much for one person to do"

Used in print

(The Atlanta Constitution...)

The September October term jury had been charged by Fulton Superior_Court_Judge_Durwood_Pye to investigate reports of possible `` irregularities '' in the hard-fought primary which was won by Mayor-nominate_Ivan_Allen_Jr. .

The September October term jury had been charged by Fulton Superior_Court_Judge_Durwood_Pye to investigate reports of possible `` irregularities '' in the hard-fought primary which was won by Mayor-nominate_Ivan_Allen_Jr. .

Mayor_William_B._Hartsfield filed suit for divorce from his wife , Pearl_Williams_Hartsfield , in Fulton_Superior_Court Friday .

Mayor_William_B._Hartsfield filed suit for divorce from his wife , Pearl_Williams_Hartsfield , in Fulton_Superior_Court Friday .

They have a son , William_Berry_Jr. , and a daughter , Mrs._J._M._Cheshire of Griffin .

Related terms

life_form causal_agent man friend subject Jew case party worker neighbor leader Black national expert machine slave applicant engineer perceiver amateur adversary consumer White child owner collector registrant commoner bodybuilder relative killer lover scientist self follower combatant homemaker authority life candidate adult victim inhabitant male coward compulsive planner defender ruler peer female individualist user native achiever intellectual traveler convert user ward explorer warrior European left-hander advocate hope modern blond celebrant recipient appointee creature face dead_person homosexual captor acquaintance learner good_guy adventurer interpreter innocent namesake gambler contestant personage philosopher biter best radical redhead rescuer personification creator pistoleer precursor fugitive sleeper religionist demander dissenter entertainer unfortunate sentimentalist Elizabethan enrollee seeker partner free_agent sort good_person bad_guy transfer suspect terror hater survivor tiger introvert immune hoarder kneeler adjudicator linguist advisee actor abstainer malcontent literate man_jack baby_boomer autodidact juvenile jewel middlebrow mixed-blood baldhead large_person bedfellow bullfighter baby_buster communicator anomaly nude nonsmoker outcaste optimist masturbator nonmember mesomorph nonparticipant miracle_man brunet propositus charmer nonworker neutral nondescript nonreligious_person money_handler quitter occultist rich_person repeater clumsy_person roundhead second-rater signer copycat complexifier primitive stigmatic pussycat quarter six-footer simpleton sleepyhead sounding_board debtor creditor sphinx right-hander differentiator deliverer sensualist dribbler ectomorph drug_user double emotional_person endomorph unskilled_person unwelcome_person disputant extrovert small_person fiduciary faddist person_of_color first-rater

[ noun ] (clothing) a person's body (usually including their clothing)


"a weapon was hidden on his person"

Related terms

human_body body

[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 1680
[ noun ] (grammar) a grammatical category of pronouns and verb forms


"stop talking about yourself in the third person"
