photographic has definitions from the field of photography
[ adjective ] (photography) relating to photography or obtained by using photography


"photographic equipment"

Used in print

(Nathan Rapport, ""I've Been Here before!"...)

For_instance , the dreamer sees himself seated behind neighbor Smith and , with photographic realism , sees Smith driving the car ; whereas , it is a matter of fact that Smith cannot drive a car .

Dreams that display events of the future with photographic detail call_for a theory explaining their basic mystery and all its components , including that weird feeling of deja_vu , inevitably fantastic though that theory must seem .

(Raymond C. Binder et al., editors, Proceedings...)

Figures 1 to 3 show photographic and schematic views of the test stand and of two different models of the anode holder .

(J. F. Vedder, "Micrometeorites", in Francis S. J...)

However , the conversion from mass to size is unreliable , since many photographic meteors give evidence of a fluffy , loosely bound meteorite structure with densities as low as * * f .

A summary of meteorite data , prepared by Whipple ( 1958 ) on the basis of photographic , visual , and radar evidence , is given in Table 5 - 1 .

Related terms


[ adjective ] (photography) representing people or nature with the exactness and fidelity of a photograph

Related terms

