pick_up has definitions from the fields of food,law,criminal law,transportation,sexuality
[ verb ] take and lift upward


gather_up lift_up

Used in print

(Frances and Richard Lockridge, Murder Has...)

Bill picked_up the telephone ; got Mullins .

(Donald J. Plantz, Sweeney Squadron....)

If any of us miss , they can pick_up the pieces .

(Morley Callaghan, A Passion in Rome....)

The cleansing tissues she had been using had been falling on the floor , and he got_up and picked_up one , then another , hoping she would notice what he was doing .

Would he have_to clean_up after her every_day , clean the kitchen , the bathroom , and get_down on his knees and scrub the kitchen floor , then hang_up her dresses , pick_up her stockings , make the bed while she lay_around ?

Related terms


[ verb ] take up by hand


"He picked up the book and started to read"

Used in print

(Christopher Davis, First Family....)

His stethoscope was on the table by Scotty 's bed and he picked it up and wagged it at Scotty .

(Arthur Miller, "The Prophecy," in The Best...)

Now she could let out the three parakeets without_fear they would be stepped_on or that Stowey would let them out one of the doors ; she could dust the plants , then break_off suddenly and pick_up an old novel and read from the middle on ; improvise cha-chas on the harp ; and finally , the best part of all , simply sit at the plank table in the kitchen with a bottle of wine and the newspapers , reading the ads as_well_as the news , registering nothing on her mind but letting her soul suspend itself above all wishing and desire .

(Whit Masterson, Evil Come, Evil Go....)

Hub picked_up the telephone .

Related terms


[ verb ] (transportation) give a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift


"We picked up a hitchhiker on the highway"

Used in print

(David Boroff, "Jewish Teen-Age Culture"...)

Parents will drive on Friday night to pick_up their daughters after a sorority or House Plan meeting .

Related terms

transport pickup

[ verb ] gather or collect


"You can get the results on Monday" "She picked up the children at the day care center" "They pick up our trash twice a week"

Used in print

(Robert A. Futterman, The Future of Our Cities....)

Bankers who had been reluctant to lend without better security than the house itself got that security from the U._S. government ; householders who had been unable to pick_up the burden of short-term high interest mortgages found they could borrow for twenty-five years at 4 per_cent , under government aegis .

Related terms

get pickup

[ verb ] get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally


"I learned that she has two grown-up children" "I see that you have been promoted"

Used in print

(Edward Jablonski, Harold Arlen Happy with the Blues....)

From his playmates in Savannah , Mercer had picked_up , along with a soft Southern dialect , traces also of the Gullah dialects of Africa .

[ verb ] get in addition, as an increase


"The candidate picked up thousands of votes after his visit to the nursing home"

Used in print

(The New York Times,...)

So he picked_up a stroke with the provisional ball and won the tournament by the margin of that stroke .

Related terms


[ verb ] (law,criminal law) take into custody, as of suspected criminals, by the police

Used in print

(Harry Olesker, Impact....)

I just do n't want to go_off_half_cocked before picking_up Black , that 's all '' .

[ verb ] of perceptual input: receive a signal, receive news, receive a verdict, etc.



Used in print

(Gibson Winter, The Suburban Captivity of the...)

This means that the antennae of the congregation are extended into the community , picking_up the wave_lengths of those who will fit into the social and economic level of the congregation ; the mission of the church is actually a process of informal co-optation ; the lay ministry is a means to recruit like-minded people who will strengthen the social_class nucleus of the congregation .

Related terms

perceive hear receiver

[ verb ] buy casually or spontaneously


"I picked up some food for a snack"

Used in print

(S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)

In it was a stone Tibetan Buddha I had picked_up in Bombay , and occasionally , to make merit , my wife and I garlanded it with flowers or laid a_few pennies in its lap .

Related terms

buy commerce

[ verb ] lift out or reflect from a background, as of a color


"The scarf picks up the color of the skirt" "His eyes picked up his smile"

Used in print

(The Sun, [Baltimore]...)

An amateur decorator might try_her_hand_at a pair during the long winter evenings , and , by picking_up her living_room color_scheme , add a decorative do-it-yourself note to the room .

(Guideposts BR-E01. Mr. America, 4:6 (November, 1961)...)

And_then Castro himself did come , bearded , smiling ; yet if you looked closely you 'd see that his eyes did not pick_up the smile on his lips .

Related terms


[ verb ] (sexuality) meet someone for sexual purposes


"he always tries to pick up girls in bars"

Used in print

(John Dos Passos, Midcentury....)

Eileen got_to dancing , just a_little tiny dancing step to a hummed tune that you could hardly notice , and trying to pick_up strange men , but each time I was ready to say to_hell_with_it and walk_out she 'd pull herself together and talk so understandingly in that sweet husky voice about the good times and the happiness we 'd had together and there I was back on_the_hook .

Related terms

meet pickup

[ verb ] fill with high spirits; fill with optimism


"Music can uplift your spirits"

Used in print

(Rocky Mountain News, [Denver, Colorado]...)

MRS._Marr is the first contact a Skid_Row figure talks to after he decides he wants to pick himself up .

[ verb ] get better




"Her performance in school picked up"

Used in print

(The Atlanta Constitution...)

State_Party_Chairman_James_W._Dorsey added that enthusiasm was picking_up for a state rally to be held Sept. 8 in Savannah at which newly elected Texas Sen._John_Tower will be the featured speaker .

Related terms


[ verb ] (food) eat by pecking at; of birds



Related terms

eat beak

[ verb ] perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily




"I caught the aroma of coffee" "He caught the allusion in her glance" "ears open to catch every sound" "The dog picked up the scent" "Catch a glimpse"

Related terms


[ verb ] gain or regain energy


"I picked up after a nap"

Related terms

recuperate pickup
