[ noun ] a small abnormal patch on or inside the body

Used in print

(J. W. C. Hagstrom et al., "Debilitating muscular...)

The valves were normal except for thin yellow plaques on the inferior surface of the mitral leaflets .

The intimal surface of the aorta was covered with confluent , yellow-brown , hard , friable plaques along its entire course , and there was a marked narrowing of the orifices of the large major visceral arteries .

[ noun ] a memorial made of brass

Used in print

(J. W. C. Hagstrom et al., "Debilitating muscular...)

The coronary_arteries were sclerotic and diffusely narrowed throughout their courses , and the right_coronary_artery was virtually occluded by a yellow atheromatous plaque 1.5 cm. distal to its origin .

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