plaster_cast has definitions from the field of medicine
[ noun ] (medicine) bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal

Used in print

(Marvin Schiller, "The Sheep's in the Meadow,"...)

During the rest of the summer my scholarly mania for making plaster_casts and spatter prints of Catskill flowers and leaves was all_but surpassed by the constantly renewed impressions of Jessica that my mind served_up to me for contemplation and delight .

(Leo Lemon, "Catch Up With" and "Something to...)

The_Breeze_And_Chancellor_Neitzbohr , a movie melodrama that concerns the attempts of a West German politician to woo a plaster_cast of the Apollo_Belvedere .

Related terms

bandage dressing
