polarize has definitions from the field of physics
[ verb ] (physics) cause to vibrate in a definite pattern




"polarize light waves"

Used in print

(Cornell H. Mayer, "Radio Emission of the Moon...)

The measurements made with the NRL 50 - foot reflector , which is altitude azimuth mounted , would have shown a systematic change with local hour_angle in the measured intensities of Venus and Jupiter if a substantial part of the radiation had been linearly polarized .

Recent interferometer measurements ( Radhakrishnan and Roberts , 1960 ) have shown the 960 - Mc emission of Jupiter to be partially polarized and to originate_in a region of larger diameter than the visible disk .

Related terms

change physics

[ verb ] cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions



Used in print

(Richard B. Morris, "Seven Who Set Our Destiny"...)

Historians have traditionally regarded the great debates of the Seventeen Nineties as polarizing the issues of centralized vs. limited government , with Hamilton and the nationalists supporting the former and Jefferson and Madison upholding the latter position .

Related terms

separate polarization

[ verb ] become polarized in a conflict or contrasting situation



Used in print

(Gibson Winter, The Suburban Captivity of the...)

The motifs of impersonal interdependence and insulation of residential communities have polarized ; the schism between central_city and suburb , Negro and White , blue_collar and white_collar can be viewed_as symptomatic_of this deeper polarization of trends in the metropolis .

Related terms

separate polarization
