portrait has definitions from the fields of fine art,photography
[ noun ] (fine art) a painting of a person's face

Used in print

(Gerald Green, The Heartless Light....)

Flanked by marble urns and alabaster lamps , they seemed to be posing for a tribal portrait .

(William Maxwell, The Chateau....)

The curtains were of the same material , and there were some big oil_paintings - portraits in the style of Lancret and Boucher .

(Stephen Longstreet, Eagles Where I Walk....)

`` Well , I'm here at_last '' , she said , addressing the old portraits on the walls .

[ noun ] a word picture of a person's appearance and character

Used in print

(David Boroff, "Jewish Teen-Age Culture"...)

My interviews with teen-agers confirmed this portrait of the weakening of religious and ethnic bonds .

(Arlin Turner, "William Faulkner, Southern Novelist"...)

The planter aristocracy has appeared in literature at_least since John_Pendleton_Kennedy published Swallow-Barn in 1832 and in his genial portrait of Frank_Meriwether presiding over his plantation dominion initiated the most persistent tradition of Southern literature .

Related terms

word_picture portray

[ noun ] (fine art,photography) any likeness of a person




"the photographer made excellent portraits"

Used in print

(Edward E. Kelly, S.J., "Christian Unity in England"...)

There were many letters of strong protest against the portrait of the Anglican clergyman , who was indeed portrayed as a man not particularly concerned with religious matters and without really very_much to do as clergyman .

(Bruce Palmer, "My Brother's Keeper", Many Are...)

He tried to order the words of the three Union officers , seeking to create some coherent portrait of the dead boy .

Related terms

likeness half-length
