posse has definitions from the fields of law,government
[ noun ] (law,government) a temporary police force



Used in print

(Frank Getlein and Harold C. Gardiner, S.J., Movies,...)

A posse is formed and pursues the robbers , who , having made their escape , are whooping_it_up with some wild , wild women in a honky-tonk hide-out .

The robbers run from the hide-out , take cover in a wooded declivity , and are shot dead by the posse .

We leap from event to event - including the formation of the posse - even though the events , in `` reality '' are taking_place not in sequence but simultaneously , and not near each other but at a considerable distance .

(Jim Berry Pearson, The Maxwell Land Grant....)

Before daylight Sunday morning , a posse of twenty-three men under the leadership of Deputy_Sheriff_Frank_MacPherson of Catskill followed the trail to the house of Francisco_Chaves , where 100 to 150 Mexicans had gathered .

Since the strength of the Mexicans had been underrated , too small a posse had been collected , and since the deputy had not been provided with search_warrants , MacPherson and his men decided it was much wiser to withdraw .

Related terms

police posseman
