potato_yellow-dwarf_virus has definitions from the field of biology
[ noun ] (biology) the virus that produces stunting and yellowing of the leaves of potato plants

Used in print

(A. N. Nagaraj and L. M. Black, "Localization of...)

As controls , other sections were similarly treated with * * f or conjugated antiserum to the New_York strain of potato_yellow-dwarf_virus ( Wolcyrz and Black , 1956 ) .

The specificity of staining in WTV tumors with * * f and * * f but not with NS and * * f or with antiserum to potato_yellow-dwarf_virus and * * f , and the absence of such staining in crown_gall tumor tissue from sweet-clover , indicate that an antigen of WTV was being stained .

Sections of tumors incited by WTV were not similarly stained with conjugated normal serum or conjugated antiserum to potato_yellow-dwarf_virus .

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