private_detective has definitions from the field of work
[ noun ] (work) someone who can be employed as a detective to collect information

Used in print

(R. F. Shaw, "The `Private Eye`"...)

Today the private_detective will also investigate insurance_claims or handle divorce cases , but his primary function remains what it has always been , to assist those who have money in their unending struggle with those who have not .

It is from this unpromising background that the fictional private_detective was recruited .

In this way , the private_detective gets the best of two possible worlds .

Now , although the roots of the mystery_story in serious literature go_back as far as Balzac , Dickens , and Poe , it was not until the closing decades of the 19_th century that the private_detective became an established figure in popular fiction .

Driven from the marketplace by the course of history , our hero disguises himself as a private_detective .
