[ verb ] lengthen in time; cause to be or last longer


: "We prolonged our stay" "She extended her visit by another day" "The meeting was drawn out until midnight"

Used in print

(Sexology, 28:1...)

The false reasoning is that a gradual advance prolongs the pain while a swift powerful act gets it over with and leaves the girl pleased with his virility and grateful for his decisiveness in settling the problem once_and_for_all .

(Lilian Pompian, "Tooth-Straightening Today"...)

`` For these and other reasons '' , says Dr._Brodie , `` orthodontics can prolong the life of teeth '' .

(Frank Murphy, "New Southern Fiction: Urban or Ag...)

Modern writers , who are supposed to keep their fingers firmly upon the pulse of their subjects , insist upon drawing_out this legend , prolonging its burial , when it well deserves a rest after the overexploitation of the past century .

[ verb ] lengthen or extend in duration or space


sustain keep_up


"We sustained the diplomatic negotiations as long as possible" "prolong the treatment of the patient" "keep up the good work"
