[ adjective ] (often used in combination) not genuine but having the appearance of


"a pseudo esthete" "pseudoclassic"

Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

Therefore , the only conceivable alternatives are those represented , on_the_one_hand , by the two at_least apparently self-consistent but mutually_exclusive positions of Buri and Barth and , on_the_other_hand , by the third but really pseudo position ( analogous to a round square ) of Bultmann .

(Jack Kaplan, "The Health Machine Menace: Therapy by...)

As he applied the applicator extending from the machine - which consisted_of seven differently colored neon_tubes superimposed on a rectangular base - to the supposedly diseased portions of Mrs._Shaefer 's body , Lee kept_up a steady stream of pseudo scientific mumbo-jumbo .

Related terms

combining_form counterfeit

[ noun ] a person who makes deceitful pretenses