purify has definitions from the field of chemistry
[ verb ] (chemistry) remove impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the process of distillation


"purify the water"

Used in print

(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

There is no conclusive evidence yet that either of the proteases has been prepared in highly purified form nor is their specificity known .

(J. W. C. Hagstrom et al., "Debilitating muscular...)

On Feb. 12 , 1959 , purified corticotropin ( ACTH_Gel ) , 20 units daily intramuscularly , was started but had_to be discontinued 3 weeks later because of excessive fluid retention .

[ verb ] declare holy or pure or free from sin


purge sanctify


"he left the monastery purified"

Used in print

(Randall Stewart, "A Little History, a Little Honesty: A...)

After how many generations is such wealth ( mounting all the while through the manipulations of high_finance ) purified of taint ?

[ verb ] become clean or pure or free of guilt and sin


"The hippies came to the ashram in order to purify"

Related terms

change purification
