pursuit has definitions from the field of psychology
[ noun ] the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture


chase following


"the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit"

Used in print

(David Boroff, "Jewish Teen-Age Culture"...)

However , in their junior and senior years , they generally forego their athletic pursuits , presumably in the interest of better academic achievement .

(Randall Stewart, "A Little History, a Little Honesty: A...)

I was having lunch not_long ago ( apologies to N._V._Peale ) with three distinguished historians ( one specializing in the European Middle_Ages , one in American history , and one in the Far_East ) , and I asked them if they could name instances where the general mores had been radically changed with `` deliberate speed , majestic instancy '' ( Francis_Thompson 's words for the Hound_of_Heaven 's pursuit ) by judicial fiat .

[ noun ] (psychology) a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria


quest pursuance hunt


"the pursuit of love" "life is more than the pursuance of fame" "a quest for wealth"

Used in print

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

Had More 's writings been wholly limited to such exercises , they would be almost as dimly remembered as those of a dozen or_so other authors living in his time , whose works tenuously survive in the minds of the few hundred scholars who each decade in pursuit of their very specialized occasions read those works .

[ noun ] a subject or pursuit that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)


interest pastime


: "sailing is her favorite pastime" "his main pastime is gambling" "he counts reading among his interests" "they criticized the boy for his limited interests"

Related terms

diversion avocation prosecute
