roman_catholic_church has definitions from the fields of Roman Catholic,religion,Christianity
[ noun ] (Roman Catholic,religion,Christianity) the Christian Church based in the Vatican and presided over by a pope and an episcopal hierarchy

Used in print

(The Rev. John A. O'Brien, "Let's Take Birth Control...)

The Roman_Catholic_Church , however , sanctions a much more liberal policy on family_planning .

The Roman_Catholic_Church sanctions only abstention or the rhythm_method , also_known_as the use of the infertile or safe period .

The Church considers this to be the method provided by nature and its divine Author : It involves no frustration of nature 's laws , but simply an intelligent and disciplined use of them .

With the exception of the Roman_Catholic and the Orthodox_Catholic_Churches , most churches make no moral distinction between rhythm and mechanical or chemical contraceptives , allowing the couple free choice .

The grounds for the Church 's position are Scriptural ( Old_Testament ) , the teachings of the fathers and doctors of the early Church , the unbroken tradition of nineteen centuries , the decisions of the highest ecclesiastical authority and the natural_law .
