scene has definitions from the fields of fine art,theater,photography,film,writing,geography
[ noun ] the place where some action occurs


"the police returned to the scene of the crime"

Used in print

(The Times-Picayune, [New Orleans]...)

Remove the child from the scene of his misbehavior .

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

The crowd staged its own mad scene in salvos of cheers and applause and finally a standing_ovation as Miss_Sutherland took curtain_call after curtain_call following a fantastic `` Mad_Scene '' created on_her_own and with the help of the composer and the other performers .

(Nathan Rapport, ""I've Been Here before!"...)

At that moment Kipling was overwhelmed with awed amazement , suddenly recalling that these identical details of scene , action and word had occurred to him in a dream six weeks earlier .

(Max F. Millikan and Donald L. M. Blackmer,...)

We should do what we can to discourage this conclusion , both by offering assistance for their domestic needs and by reacting firmly to irresponsible actions on the world scene .

(Brand Blanshard, "The Emotive Theory," Robert...)

On that view , nothing good or bad happened in the case until I came_on the scene and made my remark .

[ noun ] an incident (real or imaginary)


"their parting was a sad scene"

Used in print

(Dolores Hitchens, Footsteps in the Night....)

Though his inner thoughts cringed at it , he forced himself to think_back , recreating the scene in which Mae claimed to have caught him molesting the child .

A second scene flashed before his mind , the interior of the garage at the new house and the young Bartlett girl turning startled to meet him , the dim dark and the sudden confusion and fear and then the brightness as Mae had clicked on the light .

And when he came to examine the scene , there was a certain staginess to it , it had the smell of planning , and a swift suspicion darted into his mind .

He could tell them his fears of being involved , he could explain what had happened in the old neighborhood and how Mae had misunderstood and how she had held it over him - the scene was complete in his mind at the moment , even to his own jerkings and snivelings , and Ferguson 's silent patience .

(Peter Field, Rattlesnake Ridge....)

While five minutes ago the place had presented a scene of easy revelry , with Gyp_Carmer a prominent figure , it was now as somnolent and dull as the day before payday .

Related terms


[ noun ] the visual percept of a region


"the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views"

Used in print

(Nathan Rapport, ""I've Been Here before!"...)

I can n't tell when , but I'm positive I witnessed this same scene of this particular gathering at some time in the past '' !

But the famous orator felt more than vague recognition for the scene .

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

For this period , as for earlier centuries , pottery remains the most secure source ; the ceramic material of the age is more abundant , more diversified , and more indicative_of the hopes and fears of its makers , who begin to show scenes of human life and death .

[ noun ] (photography,film) a consecutive series of pictures that constitutes a unit of action in a film



Used in print

(Frank Getlein and Harold C. Gardiner, S.J., Movies,...)

One of these is the `` dissolve '' , which makes possible a visually smooth transition from scene to scene .

One of these is the `` dissolve '' , which makes possible a visually smooth transition from scene to scene .

As the first scene begins to fade , the succeeding scene begins to appear .

As the first scene begins to fade , the succeeding scene begins to appear .

For a moment or two , both scenes are present simultaneously , one growing weaker , one growing stronger .

Related terms

photograph outtake movie

[ noun ] a situation treated as an observable object




"the political picture is favorable" or "the religious scene in England has changed in the last century"

Used in print

(Frank Getlein and Harold C. Gardiner, S.J., Movies,...)

Brief snips of actual events were shown : parades , dances , street scenes .

(Hampton Stone, The Man Who Looked Death...)

`` The world is full of blokes who put their hearts into making the tragic scene .

Related terms


[ noun ] (theater,writing) a subdivision of an act of a play


"the first act has three scenes"

Used in print

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

Miss_Sutherland appeared almost as another person in this scene : A much more girlish Lucia , a sensational coloratura who ran across stage while singing , and an actress immersed in her role .

Nervousness at_the_start must have caused the blemishes of her first scene , or she may warm_up slowly .

In the fullness of her vocal splendor , however , she could sing the famous scene magnificently .

Her debut over , perhaps the earlier scenes will emerge equally fine .

(William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)

Aside_from a quaint concern with witches and devils which provides the immediate problem in the opening scene , it is a quite normal community .

Related terms

dramatic_composition act

[ noun ] a display of bad temper


"he had a fit" "she threw a tantrum" "he made a scene"

Used in print

(John Dos Passos, Midcentury....)

Afterwards I learned that Eileen had called Thelma on the telephone and made a big scene about Thelma trying to take her husband away .

Related terms


[ noun ] (fine art) graphic art consisting of the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept




"he painted scenes from everyday life" "figure 2 shows photographic and schematic views of the equipment"

Used in print

(John F. Hayward, "Mimesis and Symbol in the Arts"...)

A word taken in its dictionary meaning , a photographic image of a recognizable object , the mere picturing of a `` scene '' tends to lose experiential vividness and to connote such conventional abstractions as to invite neutral reception without the incitement of value feelings .

Related terms

graphic_art subject

[ noun ] (geography) the context and environment in which something is set




: "the perfect setting for a ghost story"

Related terms

environment scenario

[ noun ] (theater) the painted structures of a stage set that are intended to suggest a particular locale




"they worked all night painting the scenery"
