[ noun ] any device that receives a signal or stimulus (as heat or pressure or light or motion etc.) and responds to it in a distinctive manner

Used in print

(J. F. Vedder, "Micrometeorites", in Francis S. J...)

Direct information has been obtained from rockets and satellites equipped with impact sensors .

The direct_evidence on the micrometeorite environment near the Earth is obtained from piezoelectric sensors ( essentially microphones ) and from wire gages ; these instruments are installed on rockets , satellites , and space_probes .

Statistically , the most significant data have been collected from the sensors on 1958 Alpha ( Explorer_1 , ) , 1958 Delta_2 ( Sputnik 3 , ) , and 1959 Eta ( Vanguard 3 , ) .

The calibration of piezoelectric sensors in_terms_of the particle parameters is very uncertain .

In the United_States , most_of the sensors are calibrated by dropping small spheres on their sensitive surfaces .
