has definitions from the field of law
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[ noun ] (law) reckless or malicious behavior that causes discomfort or annoyance in others
Used in print (Chicago Daily Tribune...)If there is a moral lurking among the shenanigans , it is hard to find . (The Providence Journal...)Instead - and not just to prove my objectivity - I hasten to report that it 's a highly amusing film which probably does a fairly accurate job of reporting on the Easter vacation shenanigans of collegians down in Fort_Lauderdale , and that it seems to come_to_grips quite honestly with the moral problem that most commonly vexes youngsters in this age_group - that_is_to_say , sex . Related terms |
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[ noun ] the use of tricks to deceive someone (usually to extract money from them)
Used in print (Jack Kaplan, "The Health Machine Menace: Therapy by...)And she felt amply rewarded for her suffering when the evidence of Lee 's quack shenanigans , gathered by the tape_recorder under her friend 's clothing , proved adequate in court for convicting Franklin_D._Lee . |
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