has definitions from the field of biology
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[ verb ] breathe noisily during one's sleep
Examples "she complained that her husband snores" Used in print (Robert Penn Warren, Wilderness....)Now , Adam , in the gray light of afternoon , stared across at the hut opposite his tent , and thought_of Simms_Purdew lying in there in the gloom , snoring on his bunk , with the fumes of whisky choking the air . He thought_of Simms_Purdew snoring on his bunk while Pullen_James crouched by the hearth , skirmishing an undershirt for lice , and a wet log sizzled . (W. H. Gass, "The Pedersen Kid," in The...)I decided I hated the Pedersen kid too , dying in our kitchen while I was away where I could n't watch , dying just to entertain Hans and making me go_up snapping steps and down a drafty hall , Pa lumped under the covers at the end like dung covered with snow , snoring and whistling . |
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