social_class has definitions from the field of sociology
[ noun ] (sociology) people having the same social or economic status


"the working class" "an emerging professional class"

Used in print

(Gibson Winter, The Suburban Captivity of the...)

( 1 ) central_cities tend to be areas of residence for lower social_classes ; ( 2 ) central_cities tend to be more heterogeneous in social composition .

Members of higher and lower social_status often cluster around this nucleus , so_that Protestant figures on social_class give the impression of spread over all social_classes ; but this is deceptive , for the core of membership is concentrated in a single social and economic stratum .

Members of higher and lower social_status often cluster around this nucleus , so_that Protestant figures on social_class give the impression of spread over all social_classes ; but this is deceptive , for the core of membership is concentrated in a single social and economic stratum .

This means that the antennae of the congregation are extended into the community , picking_up the wave_lengths of those who will fit into the social and economic level of the congregation ; the mission of the church is actually a process of informal co-optation ; the lay ministry is a means to recruit like-minded people who will strengthen the social_class nucleus of the congregation .

It now becomes evident that the denominational church is intimately involved_with the economy of middle-class culture , for it serves to crystallize the social_class identity of middle-class residential groupings .
