spine has definitions from the fields of zoology,anatomy,botany
[ noun ] (anatomy,zoology) the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord


"the fall broke his back"

Used in print

(Walter H. Buchsbaum, "Advances in Medical Electronics"...)

As mentioned before , bone reflects the sound energy and in Fig. 7 the portion of the spine shows as the black area in the center .

(Dolores Hitchens, Footsteps in the Night....)

A seeping coldness entered Holden 's being ; his nerves seemed frost-bitten down to the tips of his tingling fingers and his spine felt stiff and glass like , liable to break like an icicle at any moment .

(Jim Thompson, The Transgressors....)

Lord slugged him in the stomach , so hard that the organ almost pressed against his spine .

[ noun ] any pointed projection



Related terms

bulge projection spur

[ noun ] (botany,zoology) a sharp-pointed tip on a stem or leaf

Related terms

aculeus glochid stick

[ noun ] (zoology) a sharp rigid animal process or appendage; as a porcupine quill or a ridge on a bone or a ray of a fish fin

Related terms

process quill ray
