standard_deviation has definitions from the fields of mathematics,statistics
[ noun ] (mathematics,statistics) the square root of the variance

Used in print

(S. Idell Pyle, et al., Onsets, Completions, and...)

Although the standard_deviation values on which spread of the lines are based are relatively larger for those centers which begin to ossify early ( Table 1 ) , there are considerable differences in this value between centers having the closely timed Onsets .

The upper curve denotes the mean plus one standard_deviation , and the lower curve represents the mean minus one standard_deviation .

The upper curve denotes the mean plus one standard_deviation , and the lower curve represents the mean minus one standard_deviation .

Length of the shaft of these arrows may be evaluated according_to the standard_deviation values for each center in Table 1 .

At the top of Figure 5 , for_example , the Onset range and Completion range lines for the chosen growth center have been drawn for girls according_to their mean and standard_deviation values in Table 1 .

Related terms

variance statistics
