straight_line has definitions from the fields of mathematics,geometry
[ noun ] (mathematics,geometry) a line traced by a point traveling in a constant direction; a line of zero curvature


"the shortest distance between two points is a straight line"

Used in print

(Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and...)

The straight_line would symbolize its uniqueness , the circle its universality .

Not a circle , then , nor a straight_line , but a spiral represents the shape of death as Irenaeus sees it ; for a spiral has motion as_well_as recurrence .

(R. P. Jerrard, "Inscribed squares in plane curves"...)

Indeed , the spiral **f , with the two endpoints connected by a straight_line possesses only one inscribed square .

The square has one corner point on the straight_line segment , and does not lie entirely in the interior .

The roots of this equation are just the ordinates of the intersections of the graph of b with a straight_line of unit slope through **f in the b-plane ( the plane of the graph of b ) .
