sweet_clover has definitions from the field of botany
[ noun ] (botany) erect annual or biennial plant grown extensively especially for hay and soil improvement


melilot melilotus

Used in print

(A. N. Nagaraj and L. M. Black, "Localization of...)

In attempting to improve specificity of staining , the fluorescein labeled antisera used in both direct and indirect methods were treated in one of several ways : ( 1 ) They were passed_through Dowex-2-chloride twice and treated with acetone insoluble powders ( Coons , 1958 ) prepared from mouse liver or from healthy sweet_clover stems or crown_gall tissue produced by Agrobacterium_tumefaciens ( E._F._Smith + Townsend ) Conn , on sweet_clover stems .

In attempting to improve specificity of staining , the fluorescein labeled antisera used in both direct and indirect methods were treated in one of several ways : ( 1 ) They were passed_through Dowex-2-chloride twice and treated with acetone insoluble powders ( Coons , 1958 ) prepared from mouse liver or from healthy sweet_clover stems or crown_gall tissue produced by Agrobacterium_tumefaciens ( E._F._Smith + Townsend ) Conn , on sweet_clover stems .

( 2 ) The conjugates as_well_as the intermediate sera were absorbed for 30_minutes with 20 - 50 mg of proteins extracted from healthy sweet_clover stems .

Root and stem tumors from sweet_clover plants infected with WTV were quick-frozen in liquid_nitrogen , embedded in ice , and cut at 3 - 6 � m in a cryostat maintained at - 16 ` to - 20 ` .

In the first few experiments * * f was passed_through Dowex-2-chloride twice and absorbed twice with 50 - 100 mg sweet_clover tissue powder .
