[ noun ] the natives or inhabitants of Switzerland

Used in print

(John Harnsberger and Robert P. Wilkins,...)

When late in the summer the full extent of the damage was assessed , all but fifty of the Scots , Swiss and metis moved up the Red to the mouth of the Pembina river .

He set_out on his 700 - mile return journey with five families of discontented and disappointed Swiss who turned their eyes toward the United_States .

As these Swiss were moving from the Selkirk settlement to become the first civilian residents of Minnesota , Dousman of Michilimackinac , Michigan , and Prairie_du_Chien was traveling_to Red_River to open a trade in merchandise .

Its people , including Pierre_Bottineau and other American_Fur_Company employees and the refugees from Fort_Garry , were joined by the remaining Scots and Swiss from Fort_Snelling when Major_Joseph_Plympton expelled them from the reservation in May 1840 .

(Dan McLachlan, Jr., "Communication Networks and...)

This is an unsolved problem which probably has never been seriously investigated , although one frequently hears the comment that we have insufficient specialists of the kind who can compete with the Germans or Swiss , for_example , in precision machinery and mathematics , or the Finns in geochemistry .

Related terms


[ adjective ] of or relating to Switzerland or its people or culture


"the Swiss army"

Used in print

(Guy Endore, Voltaire! Voltaire!...)

But then one day , while on a week 's visit to the country home of a retired Swiss jeweler , Rousseau amused the company with a_few little melodies he had written , to which he attached no great importance .

Related terms

