[ adjective ] of or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch


tactile haptic


"haptic data" "a tactile reflex"

Used in print

(William S. Haymond, "Is Distance an Original...)

This circumstance in the patient 's case plus the fact that his tactual capacity remained basically in sound working order constitutes its exceptional value for the problem at_hand since the evidence presented by the authors is overwhelming that , when the patient closed his eyes , he had absolutely no spatial ( that_is , third-dimensional ) awareness whatsoever .

Obviously , a satisfactory answer to the third question is imperative , if the argument is to get under_way at_all , for if there is any possibility of doubt whether the patient 's tactual sensitivity had been impaired by the occipital lesion , any findings whatsoever in regard_to the first question become completely ambiguous and fail altogether , of_course , as evidence to establish the desired conclusion .

The supposed tactual sense of spatial location and orientation in the patient and his ability to specify the location of a member , as_well_as the direction and scope of a movement , passively executed ( with one of his members ) , proved to have been , on_the_contrary , very considerably affected '' .

First_of_all , what is their evidence that the tactual apparatus was fundamentally undamaged ?

And so the authors conclude : `` The conduct of the patient in his every-day life and in his work , even more_than the foregoing facts [ mentioned above under 1 ] , leave positively no room for doubt that the sense_of_touch , in the ordinary sense of the word , was unaffected ; or , to put the same thing in physiological terms , that the performance capacity of the tactual apparatus , from the periphery up to the tactual centers in the brain , - that_is , from one end to the other - was unimpaired '' .

[ adjective ] producing a sensation of touch




"tactile qualities" "the tactual luxury of stroking silky human hair"

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