tango has definitions from the fields of dance,music,fine art
[ noun ] (dance) a ballroom dance of Latin-American origin

Used in print

(Marvin Schiller, "The Sheep's in the Meadow,"...)

The letters took their source from a stream of my imagination in which I was transformed into a young_man not unlike my bunkmate Eliot_Sands - he of the porch steps anecdotes - who smoked cigarettes , performed the tango , wore fifty dollar suits , and sneaked_off into the dark with girls to do unimaginable things with them .

(S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)

What you were looking_for ( unless you make a hobby of collecting old tennis_rackets and fly screens ) eludes me , but to judge from phonograph_records scattered about a fumed_oak Victrola , you danced two tangos and a paso_doble , which must have been fairly enervating in that milieu .

Related terms

ballroom_dancing maxixe

[ verb ] (dance) dance a tango

Related terms


[ noun ] (music,fine art,dance) music written in duple time for dancing the tango

Related terms

music dance_music
