technology has definitions from the field of work
[ noun ] (work) the practical application of science to commerce or industry



Used in print

(Kenneth Reiner, "Coping with Runaway Technology"...)

Does our society have a runaway , uncontrollable growth of technology which may end our civilization , or a normal , healthy growth ?

Should the accelerating growth of technology then warn us ?

One way to determine whether we have so dangerous a technology would be to check the strength of our society 's organs to see if their functioning is as healthy as before .

Hence the prime issue , as I see it , is whether a democratic or free society can master technology for the benefit of mankind , or whether technology will rule and develop its own society compatible with its own needs as a force of nature .

Hence the prime issue , as I see it , is whether a democratic or free society can master technology for the benefit of mankind , or whether technology will rule and develop its own society compatible with its own needs as a force of nature .

[ noun ] the discipline dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical problems


"he had trouble deciding which branch of engineering to study"

Used in print

(Frank Oppenheimer, "Science and Fear-- A Discussion...)

Just as present technology had to await the explanations of physics , so one might expect that social invention will follow growing sociological understanding .
