has definitions from the fields of anatomy,zoology
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[ noun ] (anatomy,zoology) a cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with its bony attachment
Synonyms Used in print (The Times-Picayune, [New Orleans]...)The pressure may come from muscles , tendons , or bones anywhere from the neck to the hand . (J. W. C. Hagstrom et al., "Debilitating muscular...)At this time a detailed neuromuscular examination revealed diffuse muscle atrophy that was moderate in the hands and feet , but more marked in the shoulders , hips , and pelvic_girdle , with hypoactive deep tendon reflexes . (William S. Haymond, "Is Distance an Original...)It is as_follows : `` The usual sensitivity tests showed that the specific qualities of skin-perceptiveness ( pressure , pain , temperature ) , as_well_as the kinesthetic sensations ( muscular feelings , feelings in the tendons and joints ) , were , as_such , essentially intact , although they seemed , in_comparison_with normal reactions , to be somewhat diminished over the entire body . Related terms connective_tissue hamstring Achilles_tendon muscular_structure collagen |
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