therapist has definitions from the field of medicine
[ noun ] (medicine) a person skilled in a particular type of therapy



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(Harold Searles, "Schizophrenic Communication,"...)

It is not easy for the therapist to discern when , in the patient 's communicating , an introject has appeared and is holding_sway .

Particularly hard for the therapist to grasp are those instances in_which the patient is manifesting an introject traceable to something in the therapist , some aspect of the therapist of which the latter is himself only poorly aware , and the recognition of which , as a part of himself , he finds distinctly unwelcome .

Particularly hard for the therapist to grasp are those instances in_which the patient is manifesting an introject traceable to something in the therapist , some aspect of the therapist of which the latter is himself only poorly aware , and the recognition of which , as a part of himself , he finds distinctly unwelcome .

Particularly hard for the therapist to grasp are those instances in_which the patient is manifesting an introject traceable to something in the therapist , some aspect of the therapist of which the latter is himself only poorly aware , and the recognition of which , as a part of himself , he finds distinctly unwelcome .

More_than anything , it is the therapist 's intuitive sensing of these latent meanings in the stereotype which helps these meanings to become revealed , something like a spread-out deck_of_cards , on sporadic occasions over the passage of the patient 's and his months of work together .
